Weight loss and wellness by Dr. Anil Maheshwari, MD - using humor to inspire people towards healthy living and happiness.

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How much alcohol is okay?

You may have seen the new guidelines around alcohol. You know the ones which recommend 2 or fewer drinks as being safe. According to these guidelines, drinking 2-6 drinks per week puts you at moderate risk of cancer and drinking 7 or more drinks per week puts you at ‘high risk’ of cancer. Is this really true?

First I’d like to add some context. We’ve known forever that alcohol at any level is a carcinogen, meaning that alcohol increases your risk of cancer at any level. The more you drink, the higher the risk. This is very similar to cigarette smoking except that the effect isn’t as strong. But I believe that alcohol products should have a warning on them regarding cancer risk, allowing us to make our own decisions regarding what amount is acceptable for each one of us.

On a personal level, I still drink alcohol - that is my personal choice. Alcohol in moderation can be useful to decrease stress and in social situations. In some of the world’s ‘blue zones’, where people far outlive the average lifespan and often have a glass of wine a day. Perhaps their genes, active lifestyles or social interaction provide them some protection. I’d like to think that alcohol in moderation can be part of a healthy lifestyle.

I am keenly aware of the higher risks which is why I moderate my intake. I understand that not everyone is aware of these risks. During the COVID pandemic many people started drinking more alcohol - much more. That is why these guidelines are so important - they shine an important spotlight on the risks of alcohol. Hopefully, as people learn about these guidelines, they will be able to make more informed decisions that allow them to enjoy the benefits while minimizing the risks.